3 min read

How to Achieve Workplace and Employee Wellbeing

Sneha Alexander
Sneha Alexander October 30, 2020
Employee Wellbeing

As the wellness trend is continuously on the rise within our personal lives - eating well, exercising, being mindful - companies are also compelled to invest in their people and how happy they feel within the workplace. Here are the top factors that affect employee wellbeing.

1. Long-term financial security and wellbeing

As the global economic and political situation seems to get tangled up more and more, people are forced to think about their financial stability and wellbeing more than ever. With the previous financial crisis still casting a shadow over people's memories, Brexit, in particular, has made people uneasy. One way how companies can address this is by offering clear support to employees when it comes to understanding savings, budgeting, and salary negotiation. By teaming up with finance consultants and holding workshops, companies can give their employees some peace of mind by offering a chance to understand their own financial situation better.

2. Fighting Burnout

Burnout is real, and employees who are forced to experience it, don't only harm their own mental and, often, physical wellbeing, but this also can affect the business greatly as there is a reduction in productivity as well as an increase in people taking sick leaves. Effective burnout management involves being able to eliminate it before it hits so it's not only important to make your employees aware of early burnout signs but there is also a lot you can do as an employer - being approachable, provide a well-balanced workload, etc.

3. Engagement and Personalisation

One of the key factors that can affect a decrease in employee workplace happiness is lack of engagement between management and their teams. If the employees feel like they aren't listened to, the resulting effect is bad for everyone. In order to fight this, companies need to be approachable, engage with their employees, and continuously personalise the experience.

4. Fact-based approach

Unless you are able to provide data behind your claims, you can't really expect people to listen. Especially when trying to achieve an increase in overall happiness among employees and measure the wellbeing within the company, you need some data to back this up. The impact can be measured in several ways, including wellbeing surveys that track key areas and improvements within them. Be open about your findings and share this with your team.

5. Emotional Intelligence Above IQ

With an increase in the number of young and progressive professionals joining teams, companies also need to address how they measure not only success but also the ability to perform. These days, emotional intelligence is a more important factor than IQ. Teams that have higher emotional intelligence are able to express opinions better and more clearly, and also build more meaningful and long-lasting business relationships with tailored interpersonal skills.

Sneha Alexander
Sneha Alexander October 30, 2020

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