How our test assesses personality
Picked’s personality test is grounded in the HEXACO model, researched by Kibeom Lee and Michael Ashton. The six factors – Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience – were identified via lexical analysis of the structure of personality.
Each of these factors has four more narrow facets, often popularly referred to as traits, that allow for a more nuanced interpretation of an individual’s profile.
Examples of these traits from Picked’s version of the HEXACO model include Authenticity (Honesty-Humility), Stress Tolerance (Emotionality), Team Orientation (eXtraversion), Compassion (Agreeableness), Self Discipline (Conscientiousness) and Curiosity (Openness to Experience).
There are 24 subscales measuring the traits within our model, and each subscale has three statements. They are carefully crafted following best practices to ensure candidates feel comfortable responding honestly about their personality in the context of work. Candidates rate the extent to which they agree with a statement (e.g. “I enjoy learning about new topics”).
Regarding test results, each of the 24 traits will have a percentile, indicating where a candidate falls on that characteristic in relation to a comparable sample of test-takers. Picked’s personality test was piloted on a sample of representative job candidates to establish these norms that aid in interpreting scores.
Based on those scores, the results will describe how that individual may behave along with a recommended interview question if you wish to dig deeper into that area during a follow-up interview.
We recommend pairing this test with some of our other aptitude tests or soft skills tests to get a complete picture of each candidate before making a hiring decision.