CSS Test

CSS tests are designed to assess a candidate's knowledge and understanding of the CSS programming language.

  • What is a CSS test?

    A CSS test assesses a candidate’s knowledge of CSS development skills and their ability to apply them in practice. A strong grasp of CSS is vital for front-end development roles, as it allows for the creation of aesthetic web pages and applications.

    The test requires candidates to answer several brief questions about CSS to evaluate their competency with basic style properties, advanced properties, and pre-processors.

    Capable developers should display that they possess the CSS tools and techniques needed to create aesthetic products, are able to fix any front-end bugs, and can adeptly use the simplest code possible to perform a design task.

About the CSS Test

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a core language of the web, alongside HTML and JavaScript. Competency in CSS is crucial for the development of websites and applications.

CSS is used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language, allowing for the separation of presentation and content (including layout, fonts, and colours).

Using a CSS skills test in your recruitment process is the best way to ensure you are selecting top talent with the coding experience to fulfil the responsibilities of your vacancy.

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  • Why should you use a CSS test for recruiting?

    When recruiting for a role that involves front-end development using CSS, you want to know that your potential hires have the necessary CSS knowledge to excel and deliver results in the role.

    Although a candidate may state CSS programming as a key skill on their resume, it is difficult to assess the extent of their skill without using a technical skills test.

    A CSS test helps to verify the level of competency, ensuring that your shortlisted candidates all possess the necessary skills for the role.

    Job roles for which a CSS test may be a useful prerequisite include:

    • Front-end Developer
    • Junior Developer
    • Website Developer
    • Software Engineer
    • Software Developer
    • Full Stack Developer
    • PHP Developer
    • UI Developer

    The CSS test is an effective screening tool when administered in the early stages of the recruitment process, after initial application submission. It can also be used as part of a suite of technical tests at an assessment centre.

    The objective nature of the test means that clear hiring decisions can be made, free from any bias. Targeted skills testing aids with the streamlining of candidates, making the recruitment process faster and more effective.

    A CSS test can be administered alongside other coding or technical skills tests, to gain a fuller picture of a candidate’s potential.

Sample CSS Test question

Which CSS property is used to change the text color of an element?

  • color

  • tx-color

  • txcolor

  • text-color

Picked Sample Report

View a sample report

Results for the CSS Test along with other assessments the candidate takes will be compiled to produce a candidate report. The report is automatically generated and available both online and as a downloadable pdf so they can be shared with other team members and employees alike.

How our test assesses CSS skills

In Picked’s CSS test, candidates will need to answer a range of questions targeting an intermediate level of proficiency, from demonstrating their competency with basic style properties, advanced properties, and pre-processors to fixing front-end bugs.

The test is designed to indicate how well a candidate understands CSS based on a final test score, which can then be compared to the scores of other applicants.

The multiple-choice questions consist of one correct answer and two to four distractors. The distractors are mostly generic mistakes or misconceptions, which makes the test challenging and helps measure a candidate’s proficiency more accurately.

During the development process, the test was rigorously analysed to maximise reliability and validity in line with industry best practices. It was created and revised by programmers and psychometric experts, and field-tested with a representative sample of job applicants who have varying CSS experience, just like you might find in a talent pool.

Each test is reviewed by a panel of individuals representing diverse backgrounds to check for any sensitivity, fairness, face validity and accessibility issues. This ensures each programmer has a fair chance of demonstrating their true level of CSS proficiency and feels the test is of high quality.

Our programming tests are monitored to ensure they are up-to-date and optimised for performance.


Predictor of job success

Picked provides evidence-based recommendations for tests to use for over 750 jobs. Our recommendation engine leverages data from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA).


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    Fully accredited

    All our CSS tests are written by accredited psychologists and fully validated.

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    For all levels

    We offer CSS tests for all levels so you can assess all roles within your organisation.


Energize selection process

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    Smart automations

    Automated actions such as alerts and reminders ensure a smooth candidate experience.

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    Instant results

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    Analytics dashboard

    Our full array of candidate performance metrics will provide actionable data on each of your candidates.

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    Candidate comparison

    Simple, easy-to-use candidate comparison reports mean you don’t need to be a psychologist to interpret them.

“We used Picked as part of our Finance Graduate Scheme recruitment and it was just what we needed – really simple to send candidates the link to complete and clear to see how they all compared. And great value for money!”
Christina, HR Director, Cancer Research, UK
Christina, HR Director, Cancer Research, UK
CSS Test expert

Written by a CSS Test expert

Brandon Holland studied Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois. He has been a website developer for over 12 years and has developed over 5,000 websites for clients around the world. He is a full stack developer specializing in many frameworks including WordPress, Shopify, SquareSpace, Wix, Magento, and others.

“Personality profiling allowed us to perform lookalike modelling of our most successful employees and use this as a blueprint for new hires.”
Nick, HR Operations, Airbus, Spain
Nick, HR Operations, Airbus, Spain


What is CSS used for?

CSS is used to add the style to a webpage or application, as it controls how the features appear in the browser. Unlike other programming languages, it doesn’t create new elements. Instead, it dictates how they are expressed. CSS style sheets, once created, can be used multiple times.

How popular is CSS?

CSS is one of the three most popular web languages; the other two being HTML and JavaScript. CSS is often used within a framework, which simplifies design by providing a basic structure. The most popular CSS framework is Bootstrap, followed by others such as Foundation, Bulma, UI Kit, and Materialize CSS.

Can I try the test for free?

Yes, simply sign up (no credit card is required) and we’ll give you unlimited access for 7 days. Create as many jobs and test as many candidates as you want; you won’t be charged a penny.

What is the fee for Picked’s CSS test?

Picked offers monthly or annual subscriptions for businesses of all sizes, so choose the one that best fits your needs. You can also contact us to discuss the possibility of a custom plan suited to your specific requirements. You can check out our subscription plans here.

“Focusing on data reduced the subjective decision making from our hiring process and allowed us to reduce bias and make better hiring decisions.”
Izzie, Head of HR, iZettle, Sweden
Izzie, Head of HR, iZettle, Sweden

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