How our test assesses React skills
In Picked’s React test, candidates will need to answer a range of questions targeting an intermediate level of proficiency, from demonstrating knowledge about the framework to understanding how to create advanced hooks, use state management of class and functional components, and create design patterns.
The test is designed to indicate how well a candidate understands React based on a final test score, which can then be compared to the scores of other applicants.
The multiple-choice questions consist of one correct answer and two to four distractors. The distractors are mostly generic mistakes or misconceptions, which makes the test challenging and helps measure a candidate’s proficiency more accurately.
During the development process, the test was rigorously analysed to maximise reliability and validity in line with industry best practices. It was created and reviewed by programmers and psychometric experts, and field-tested with a representative sample of job applicants who have varying React experience, just like you might find in a talent pool.
Each test is reviewed by a panel of individuals representing diverse backgrounds to check for any sensitivity, fairness, face validity and accessibility issues. This ensures each programmer has a fair chance of demonstrating their true level of React proficiency and feels the test is of high quality.
Our programming tests are monitored to ensure they are up-to-date and optimised for performance.