Google Ads Test

Google Ads tests are designed to assess a candidate's knowledge and understanding of Google's advertising platforms.

  • What is a Google Ads test?

    A Google Ads test is an assessment of a candidate's understanding of how Google Ads works, such as the basic concepts and specific terminology, and experience in creating campaigns.

    Google is the biggest search engine on the internet and taking advantage of how it works is vital to the success of any company. Using Google Ads effectively can broaden the company's reach, increase customers, and provide high ROI, ultimately making a huge impact. Therefore, candidates who have a strong grasp of the platform and know how to use it are particularly valuable hires.

    The test will assess which candidates understand and can implement the different features of Google Ads. A successful candidate will know when and why each feature should be used, and therefore, be able to understand how to best fit your company's practices and needs.

    They should also be able to perform performance analysis and put forward suggestions for optimisation, such as when to use an alternative setup.

About the Google Ads Test

There are 5.4 billion Google searches every day – that's 70,000 a second. Every business that has a digital footprint will appear on Google, but not necessarily as one of the top results. Therefore, having staff that understands Google Ads and can use its features effectively to boost your visibility is hugely beneficial to your company and its potential growth.

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  • Why should you use a Google Ads test for recruiting?

    When looking for candidates with a particular skill set, it can be difficult to determine the actual level of competency through traditional means such as CVs and interviews, especially if it is not an area in which the recruiters or hiring staff have experience themselves. This may be the case for roles such as:

    • Growth analyst
    • Digital marketer
    • PPC (Pay-per-click) campaign manager
    • Digital/SEO analyst

    The Google Ads test can help in this situation.

    It is created by experts in the field and helps to determine a candidate's practical knowledge of the functionality of Google Ads. It covers skills such as setting up, monitoring, and optimising search and display campaigns; knowledge of terminology; and understanding of the main concepts and features.

    Using the test as part of your recruitment process can make it easier to form an objective comparison between similarly qualified candidates via demonstrable evidence of their technical skills.

    Online testing can also speed up the process as you can quickly assess multiple candidates, using benchmarks to ensure that everyone on your shortlist has a certain skill level.

Sample Google Ads Test question

Which of the following impacts the Quality Score metric for Google Ads?

  • Account structure

  • Clickthrough Rate (CTR)

  • How often the ads are shown

  • How many conversions are attributed to that ad

Picked Sample Report

View a sample report

Results for the Google Ads Test along with other assessments the candidate takes will be compiled to produce a candidate report. The report is automatically generated and available both online and as a downloadable pdf so they can be shared with other team members and employees alike.

How our test assesses Google Ads

In Picked's Google Ads test, candidates will need to answer a range of questions covering a varying degree of difficulty. Someone who is proficient in Google Ads should be able to perform the following tasks which this test helps assess:

  • Set up successful campaigns through proper identification of ad groups

  • Develop the right marketing budget based on the advertising goals

  • Create compositions for various advertising styles

  • Understand, operate, and use the different tools provided by Google Ads

  • Analyze reports and data in Google Ads to improve marketing objectives

  • Perform strategic planning based on emerging trends.

The test questions are designed to indicate how well a candidate knows how to use Google Ads across a broad spectrum of tasks. All questions are multiple-choice: a format familiar to most candidates that allows for immediate, objective scoring.

The response options aside from the correct answer, called distractors, are common mistakes or misconceptions, which enhances the question's ability to accurately measure a candidate's proficiency.

During the development process, this test was rigorously analysed to maximise reliability and validity in line with industry best practices. It was written, examined and revised by Google Ad specialists and psychometric experts, and field-tested with a representative sample of job applicants.

In other words, this test empirically demonstrates consistency and measures Google Ads proficiency as intended. Raw scores are provided and can be compared across candidates to see how they perform relative to each other.

Regarding the candidate's experience, this test has been reviewed by a panel of individuals representing diverse backgrounds to check for any sensitivity, fairness, face validity and accessibility issues. This ensures each candidate has a fair chance of demonstrating their Google Ads proficiency and feels the test is reasonable.

This test is also monitored on an ongoing basis to optimise performance and is analysed regularly for fairness issues.


Predictor of job success

Picked provides evidence-based recommendations for tests to use for over 750 jobs. Our recommendation engine leverages data from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA).


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    Fully accredited

    All our Google Ads tests are written by accredited psychologists and fully validated.

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    For all levels

    We offer Google Ads tests for all levels so you can assess all roles within your organisation.


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    Analytics dashboard

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    Candidate comparison

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“We used Picked as part of our Finance Graduate Scheme recruitment and it was just what we needed – really simple to send candidates the link to complete and clear to see how they all compared. And great value for money!”
Christina, HR Director, Cancer Research, UK
Christina, HR Director, Cancer Research, UK
Google Ads Test expert

Written by a Google Ads Test expert

Jake Orozco is a digital marketing consultant who specialises in search engine marketing. He has Google Ads Search Certification, Google Ads Display Certification, and Google Analytics Certification. His knowledge, skills and experience enable him to provide effective approaches that can significantly enhance marketing activities.

“Personality profiling allowed us to perform lookalike modelling of our most successful employees and use this as a blueprint for new hires.”
Nick, HR Operations, Airbus, Spain
Nick, HR Operations, Airbus, Spain
“Focusing on data reduced the subjective decision making from our hiring process and allowed us to reduce bias and make better hiring decisions.”
Izzie, Head of HR, iZettle, Sweden
Izzie, Head of HR, iZettle, Sweden

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